Ciao a tutti!! apro questo post con questabellissima foto di AJ e questo bellissimo video di bambine all'asilo che cantano I want it that way (singapore, dopo il tour a manila!)
Ecco una bellissima foto di Leighanne con Baylee e il piccolo James!! che carini!! :-)
Infine ecco delle foto un pò particolari che sono state scattate a Nick ed AJ sempre a singapore!
MOOOOOOOOOOOLTO particolari! soprattutto la prima direi! Lasciate un commento! Buona serata a tutti!!
How many times am i gone let you walk right pass i swear sometimes i think i'm moving too fast you never know if it's gonna last i guess that's what scares me sometimes ooh i know it ain't right but i don't wanna let me care i wanna know love but i'm a little scared you never know what you're gone get and that is what scares me sometimes (times)
the next time love comes my way (ima let it) happen, happen baby if ever i make, made a mistake i've been a rebel too long, a rebel too long, a rebel too long a rebel too long..
yeah i don't hurt people they don't hurt me back (yeah) i (?) and i'm so tired of that (mhmm) i'm ready to let my guides down i'm done playing tough guy for now, for now everybody deserves taking chances and that only flies in certain circumstances can't keep running away from these feelings everybody needs someone sometime (sometime..)
the next time love comes my way (ima let it) happen, happen baby if ever i make, made a mistake i've been a rebel too long, a rebel too long, a rebel too long a rebel too long..
and before this moment fades away i wanted you to know i made mistakes but even if there's no more words to say i tried to be better without you
the next time love comes my way (ima let it) happen, happen baby if ever i make, made a mistake i've been a rebel too long, a rebel too long, a rebel too long a rebel too long..
the next time love comes my way (ima let it) happen, happen baby if ever i make, made a mistake i've been a rebel too long, a rebel too long, a rebel too long a rebel too long..
Io personalmente la trovo molto bella, la trovo molto dolce... adoro il piano di sottofondo e il fatto che allo stesso tempo é ritmata!! mi piace molto! Voi che ne pensate?? lasciate un commento con le vostre opinioni!!
Buongiorno e buona domenica a tutti!! Queste che vedete qui sopra sono due foto di due pagine di una rivista filippina dedicata ai nostri ragazzi!! Come potete vedere una é dedicata ai boys e l'altra al cd di AJ!!!
Parlato ancora di AJ é stato avvistato di recente a malibù! Ho trovato delle foto davvero belle che metto qui come slideshow!
Ma che maglietta ha??? caccia a meganfox?? che pensate??
Mi raccomando diventate sostenitori di questo blog voi che passate di qui!! basta cliccare sulla destra "sostieni" e seguire la procedura! Se non avete un account basta cliccare su crea un account google e in 2 secondi avete fatto! così potete anche commentare!!!
Nuova foto che arriva dal programma Dancing Groove Japan
Ci sono delle bellissime foto che ho voluto condividere con voi scattate direttamente dal fotografo personale dei boys: Justin!!! Gustatevi questo slideshow dove le ho inserite e ditemi che ne pensate!!le trovo fantastiche! soprattutto quelle in bianco e nero!
Riguardo a news ci sono rumors di una possibile ricaduta di AJ... Io non so se si vero o meno ma pare purtroppo che qualcosa c'è!! La mamma di AJ scrive al programma "The Dope Doctor" chiedendo di poter partecipare..ecco qui:
"I would love to come back on your show sometime and talk about relapse and coping with an adult child alcoholic. Alex is again in total denial about his disease and not seeking any type of help. Would love to discuss this with some expert on your show from a concerned parent point of view, me!"
"mi piacerebbe tornare nel tuo show qualche volta e parlare di ricadute e far fronte a un figlio adulto alcolizzato. Alex è di nuovo in totale negazione della sua malattia e non cerca nessun tipo di aiuto. Mi piacerebbe discutere di questo con alcuni esperti nel tuo show da un punto di vista dei genitori interessati, come me!"
Che triste! aspettiamo a vedere se riusciamo ad avere qualche informazione in più!!!
Notizia smentita nelle ultime ore dalla mamma di Alex che ha scritto:
"Everybody needs to take a chill pill and calm down. It was an idea for a show on my friends radio program. Actually, Alex is doing very well, joined a gym, eating right and trying to take good care of himself. He is getting a handle on everything. End of subject please??????"
"Avete tutti bisogno di darvi una calmata. Era un'idea di un mio amico per il suo programma radiofonico. Alex sta benissimo, fa ginnastica, mangia correttamente e cerca di prendersi cura di se. Va tutto bene. Fine della questione??????"
Possiamo quindi stare tutti tranquilli!
Vi metto anche l'ultima foto proveniente da twitter di Leighanne, Baylee e cani!! Brian li descrive come il sunshine della sua vita! :-)
Vi saluto tutti con questo bellissimo video creato da un fan!!
(ps in realtà non esiste nessun film! é solo un video!)
Rieccomi con un pò di news accumulate in questi giorni!!! Prima di tutto la crociera con i boys é già sold out!!! c'è qualcuna che alla fine va??? Hanno fatto proprio presto a finire i biglietti!
Ammetto che da una parte sono anche contenta, vuol dire che ci sono molte fans e che i boys saranno stati sicuramente contenti!! così magari ne organizzano un'altra tra un pò di anni dove potrò esserci anch'io!! :-) Però sono un pò triste perché sarebbe stato davvero un sogno che ci hanno proposto..
Cambiando discorso ecco due nuove foto di AJ di cui l'ultima arriva da twitter!! :-) "The Devil Made Me Do It" fantastica :-)
Sono uscite altre date americane del tour!!!!!!!
01 Junho – Orlando, FL (Hard Rock Live at Universal Studios) 05 Junho – Valdosta, GA (Wild Adventures Theme Park) 08 Junho – Boston, MA – Bank of America Pavilion 10 Junho – New York City, NY – Hammerstein Ballroom 12 Junho – Atlantic City, NJ – Borgata Spa and Resort 13 Junho – Long Branch, NJ – Monmouth County College 15 Junho – Uncasville, CT – Mohegan Sun 18 Junho – Clarkston, MI – DTE Energy Music Theatre 21 Junho – Kansas City, MO – The Midland Theatre 22 Junho – Broomfield, CO – 1st Bank Center 23 Junho – Salt Lake City, UT – EnergySolutions Arena 25 Junho – Temecula, CA, – Pechanga Resort and Casino
Ed infine una piccola "intervista" !!
The Backstreet Boys [ tickets ] have tacked more dates onto their spring tour behind the group's most recent Top 10 album, "This Is Us."
The road trip gets started with a one-off, eight-song performance April 11 in Napa, CA, followed by a month-long break before hitting the tour trail at full steam June 1 in Orlando. So far, the outing touches down in 18 cities nationwide before concluding with a two-night stand June 27-28 in San Francisco. The full schedule is shown at right.
"This Is Us," the boy band's seventh studio set and follow-up to 2007's "Unbreakable," surfaced in October on Jive Records, and is the group's second album since the departure of original member Kevin Richardson. The 11-track effort, which peaked at No. 9 on The Billboard 200, features new material that Nick Carter, Howie Dorough, Brian Littrell and AJ McLean collaborated on alongside songwriters and producers like T-Pain, RedOne and Claude Kelly.
"With this album, we feel like we kind of went back to what people really know of the Backstreet Boys, the sound of the pop/R&B with a little Euro-dance influence," Dorough explained in an interview last fall with LiveDaily. "We felt this is what the Backstreet Boys are really known for."
Last month, the band announced a Backstreet Boys cruise, slated to leave South Florida Dec. 9 and return to port Dec. 13 after visiting Key West and Cozumel. The trip is currently sold out, according to the band's website.
In conclusione ricordo a tutte che tra poco meno di un mese, il 17 Aprile, ci sarà il flash mob mondiale!!! cerchiamo di portare più persone possibili! ecco la coreografia per noi fans italiane/i !!
Finalmente i ragazzi hanno finito questo lunghissimo tour asiatico ed inizieranno con le nuove date americane l'11 Aprile! Ho trovato moltissime foto e video del concerto a Bejing ma ne posto solo qualcune !
Apertura a Bejing (nemmeno qui ci sono stati effetti scenografici speciali!)
Bellissimo video di I want it that way Bejing
(ehm...le espressioni di Nick!)
Undone (Shanghai)
é strepitoso questo video!
Quit playing games + as long as you love me a Shanghai
SC Shanghai: Brian!
SC Shanghai: Shattered!
SC Shanghai: I still!
She's a dream a Shanghai
Davvero dei video bellissimi!! Lasciate un commento!
Ieri sono cominciate le prevendite per la backstreet boys cruise! sono ansiosa di scoprire se ci sarà qualche fans italiana a bordo e spero proprio di si così almeno si potrà avere una testimonianza diretta di quella favola che poche fortunate avranno l'occasione di assaporare!
Continuando con il tour ho trovato delle foto davvero belle!! inoltre c'è una nuova foto che arriva dal giornale in rock! eccola:
I Backstreet Boys sono sbarcati a Shanghai pronti per terminare le ultime date del tour asiatico che li ha visti esibirsi ieri sera e li vedrà esibirsi anche questa stasera a Shanghai all'International Gymnasium Center!
Ecco le foto dell'arrivo all'aereoporto e il video!
All'inizio c'è molta confusione, non si vede poi si sente che i fans iniziano a cantare bigger! che carini!
Ecco le prime foto sulla loro esibizione!
Inoltre vi lascio qui due bellissime nuove foto che arrivano direttamente dal sito ufficiale di AJ!
Ecco un pò di news dall'altra parte del mondo!! Parliamo di twitter ha lasciato le ultime foto dei suoi cani:
Look at my 3 girls. Mommy-Maymee and new addition Kiko. All Skyping with Daddy. Wish I was there!!!! Chirpsters. Look KiKo wanted to send a bark. I mean tweet. She is learning fast. I'm home in a week. YEA! CHIRP
Ma che razza di cane é ?? arriva dal giappone ed é adorabile!
Inoltra Brian ha recentemente lasciato un messaggio per invitarci nuovamente alla backstreet boys cruise!!
Per concludere, mentre attendiamo foto e video che spero siano numerose, vi posto un articolo riguardo Auckland!
Backstreet Boys - better, if not bigger, than ever
The Backstreet Boys arrived in the country this afternoon ahead of their concert at Auckland's Vector Arena on Thursday.
Nightline's Ali Ikram - who is a very, very big fan of the Backstreet Boys, it has to be said - is still wondering why he was the only journalist there.
In the late '90s, when boy bands were king, the Backstreet Boys sold over 100 million albums. No one could walk in slow motion like them, and no other boy band understood fully that being in love looks frightfully similar to constipation.
But their arrival at Auckland Airport could not have been more low key, the boys confronted by just two fans seeking photos.
The Backstreet Boys have been to New Zealand before, but only to do promotion - this will be their first concert.
The hardcore posse of local fans saw all four of the group's Australian concerts.
"Last night in Brisbane one of the members, Brian, acknowledged me on stage," says Jenny Zindell. "He was like, 'Is this four or five shows you're going to?' So he was adorable."
But having Backstreet in New Zealand is the culmination of a decade's lobbying by fans and a petition with thousands of signatures.
While the ladies at the airport have seen as many as 14 concerts, Thursday night at Vector will special.
"It's extremely overwhelming," says Kirsten Mander. "We got pretty emotional on the plane coming over, it's great to have them here finally."
They've survived the departure of Kevin Richardson, rehab and legal wrangles, but their fans believe after 17 years the boys are better than ever.
I nostri ragazzi sono arrivati in nuova zelanda..! Ecco un video che ho trovato con loro e la parole di qualche fans!
Piccolo articolo:
With worldwide record sales in excess of 100 million and 14 Top 40 hits on the Billboard Hot 100, the Backstreet Boys are among the most successful pop groups in music history.According to US Billboard 200 the group is the first artist since Sade to have their first seven albums reach top 10 on the chart.In 2009 their latest album titled This Is Us was released and they are currently on the European leg of a successful World tour of the same name.Today the quartet - Nick Carter, Howie Dorough, Brian Littrell and AJ McLean - have announced they will be extending the tour to include Australia and New Zealand."We are so excited to bring the This Is Us tour to New Zealand and we can't wait to see you in March 2010 dancing in the audience” said the band.The tour showcases the latest album and of course all their greatest hits, including I Want It That Way, Everybody (Backstreet’s Back), I’ll Never Break Your Heart, As Long As You Love Me, The Shape of My Heart and Incomplete.The Backstreet Boys are back – alright!
Aspettiamo news, foto e video del concerto che domani serà ci sarà ad Auckland nella Vector Arena!!
Carissimi.. Come ben sappiamo i Boys sono in questo momento in Australia...stasera si esibiranno a Sidney e nel frattempo ho trovato qualche video di Melbourne che metto qui così tutti possono vederli! Questo é durante l'esibizione ( I wantitthatway! )
Commentando non posso non scrivere queste cose: 1) fantastici! 2) il palco era ridotto anche qui! 3) Sembra ci sia stato il pienone 4) AJ HA CAPELLI E BARBA COMPLETAMENTE RASATI! 5) Brian e Nick soliti scemi alla fine! XD
Che pensate della nuova spuntatina di AJ?? Io personalmente lo preferisco barbuto e con capelli! ;-)
Ho anche trovato degli altri video che credo siano dell'after party di Melbourne dove Nick ha il cappello e si esibito come dj! Eccoli qui!
Ho anche trovato un video bellissimo dalla videocamera di Nick durante il tour con tappa a Bangalore! vi consiglio di non perdervelo perché mostra molti momenti di Nick tra cui un pezzo di concerto filmato da lui stesso dal palco! Lo potete vedere nel mio altro blog in questo post:
Ciao a tutti!! Come ben sappiamo i nostri ragazzuoli hanno varcato la soglia del continente oceanico e sono in Australia!!! ieri si sono esibiti a Perth, in questo stadio:
Ecco un pò di video dell'esibizione che ho trovato! (Sono un sacco e tutti molto belli!)
Opening :-)
Da qui si nota che nemmeno qi c'era il palco completo :( Però lo stadio non sembra così piccolo!!
All I have to give
bellissimo video!
I want it that way! (da una fan della prima fila a quanto pare! si vede benissimo!)
Bye bye love + I want it that way!
The one!
More than that! bellissimi!
Quit playing games and As long as you love me
Larger than life!
Straight through my heart
Ecco un articolo scritto da Sandra Bahbah sul concerto a Perth!
OVER 90 per cent of the crowd was female, and it appeared 100 per cent of them were ecstatic they were finally going to see The Backstreet Boys perform.
Their trip to Perth had been 17 years in the making for those who were obsessed with the American boy band growing up, but no-one could have predicted just how much nostalgia one evening could bring.
Ricki-Lee Coulter was a fitting opening act. However, she looked a bit amateur with just one guitarist and two back-up singers. Her voice was a bit shrill as she spoke but her singing was decent as she belted out her song Can’t Touch It. It was her cover of Rihanna’s Umbrella that had some cringing. It served as a reminder that Coulter began her career on karaoke-type reality show Australian Idol. She performed Jackson Five’s I Want You Back well but the saving grace for her act was her guitarist and vocalist Glen who beautifully sang Mary J Blige and Bono's duet One Love with Coulter. It was with a sigh of relief that she exited the stage to make way for The Backstreet Boys.
The screen lit up with a countdown timer of ten seconds. It asked the crowd to stand up and make some noise. As if they needed to be asked. Everyone was out of their seats and shrieking in excitement as a video of the group sporting “hardcore” facial expressions introduced each artist. Running in the video, the group of four appeared on the stage to sing Everybody (Backstreet’s Back). Notably missing was fifth member Kevin Richardson, who left the group in 2006, but Nick Carter, Howie Dorough, Brian Littrell and AJ McLean made up for his absence.
There is not one person who will dispute that The Backstreet Boys are as corny as a heart-shaped box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day, but like that item, they are a sweet treat. Their boy band dance moves were impressive but definitely giggle-worthy as one could only describe them as over the top. They had four female back-up dancers to help with the evening’s entertainment and more costume changes than a Beyonce concert, but by gosh it was fun to watch.
It was easy to see why they have sustained their popularity all these years. As Britney Spears would know it is no mean feat to be able to dance and sing at the same time, but these lads do sing live and it was astounding to note their breathlessness was barely registrable.
As the group sang We’ve Got It Going On, it was observed that Carter had shed the pounds and was ageing quite well; McLean on the other hand appeared to have receding hair and a few extra kilos under his belt. While their physical appearances had changed - their voices had not.
The group’s shoes all lit up as they sang PDA and made the crowd sing-a-long to arguably the lamest song of their otherwise favourable music catalogue. Littrell appeared excited to be in Australia and chanted “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie”, the crowd returned with “Oi, Oi, Oi”. Littrell said “he always wanted to say that” and the punters were only too happy to accommodate him. He also thanked the brave men who got dragged along to the concert by their girlfriends and the fathers in the crowd. During this exchange McLean took pictures of the crowd, which will be posted on the group’s official site.
Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) and As Long As You Love Me were performed shortly after, with the crowd singing along to just about every song. Throughout the evening each artist was superimposed into a movie clip. Dorough was placed on Fast and the Furious, McLean was in Fight Club, Littrell was in Enchanted and Carter was in The Matrix, where he made a comment about the friendly rivalry between themselves and Justin Timberlake’s former group ‘N Sync.
Their lyrics weren’t the most thought provoking in the world, but it’s their unabashed simplicity people connect with. Such was the case with their next song This Is Us. The crowd went into overdrive when The Backstreet Boys performed Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely and it was safe to say a few people in the crowd shed a tear or two from happiness during the evening.
The show continued on with She’s A Dream, All I Have to Give and I’ll Never Break Your Heart, which was sung while a montage of the group in their heyday was displayed on the screen. Carter’s falsetto made an appearance throughout the show as the group performed The Call, I’ll Be The One and their latest single Bigger.
The quartet exclaimed that The Backstreet Boys fans are the best because they keep sticking around, but they are probably unaware of the effect boy bands have on the female population. Many women relate to them because they aren’t afraid to appear romantic or vulnerable.
Shape of My Heart had everyone creating heart shapes out of air and swaying along and I Will Love You More Than That had the audience gushing. The DJ onstage also provided an electric atmosphere between breaks and kept the crowd’s energy elevated. After promising to come back next tour, The Backstreet Boys sang one of their newer songs Incomplete. The group wore space-like outfits for their hit Larger Than Life and showed some love to the women earlier in the evening as McLean went into the crowd and handed out roses.
They sang I Want It That Way before leaving the stage. They returned shortly after for their one song encore of Straight Through My Heart. They left the stage and the screen lit up to show them blowing kisses to the crowd and waving goodbye. No matter how much people may cringe at boy bands, you have to admit there must be a reason for their success. If one person could relive their entire childhood and teen angst in one night that's what occurred. It was a memorable night indeed.
Inoltre ho trovato 2 video con l'intervista che i Boys hanno fatto in India! sono molto belli! parlano del loro rapporto, del lavoro, dei fans! Guardateli!
Per oggi direi che gli aggiornamenti bastano! :-P Ciao a tutti!! Lasciate un commento!
Eh già...i nostri amati idoli se ne vanno in crociera!!! e si portano pure i/le fans (per quelle/i fortunate/i che portanno andarci! ps. specifico anche la parte maschile soprattutto per Luca anche se secondo me non ci saranno molti maschi ad andare..) Ma ve lo immaginate? uan crociera coi boys? ricca di party, spettacoli, onlyBSBmusic e la loro presenza??? già me le immagino le occhiate che darei a Nick mentre me prendo il sole sul pontile ;-) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uffa!!! che sogno!!! c'è qualche caritatevole che ha voglia di regalarmela questa crociera??? Le vendite partiranno il 15 marzo alle 12 in punto! ecco quicos'hanno scritto i boys su twitter! :
BACKSTREETBOYSCRUISE!!! Pre-SAILMarch 15that 12:00PM EST toFCmembersonlyfirst. Keepchecking the site for...
Inoltre ho trovato questo:
"The BACKSTREET BOYS are following in the footsteps of boyband NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK by performing a concert cruise. The Step by Step hitmakers put on a three-day boat trip around the Cari bbean last May (09). The high seas thrill featured performances from the group and special meet-and-greet sessions for fans onboard. And now the Backstreet Boys are cruising to treat their loyal followers to a similar trip.The four-day trip will set sail from Florida on 9 December (10). It wil l include a show and themed parties. A post on the band's website reads, "This is going to be a once-in-a-li fetime experience that the boys will embark on and share with you, the fans. "Some of the fun things on tap are: an intimate performance by the Back street Boys, Q&A, Photo Session, Deck Party and Beach Party. All events a re hosted by the Boys." "
Inoltre per invitarci e farci morire di voglia hanno pure lasciato un messaggio!
Ma ci pensate??? no rischio di svenire.. che occasione..!! E poi Nick con quel faccino e quel sorrisino che ha su sto video! Organizziamo qualcosa che ci consenta di raccogliere un pò di soldini ragazzi?? se volete posso pure diventare barbona per un pò..così qualche spicciolo dietro strada me lo guadagno! :(
Del tipo io compio gli anni il 16 dicembre!!! regalo di compleanno anticipato :)